Born and raised in Vietnam gave me a strong foundation for faith. Daily mass, church choir, youth group, and CCE were important factors during my formative years. I remember the peace and joy I experienced when participating at church, especially around the sisters of the Lovers of the Holy Cross, who lived and ministered at my parish.
When I was eleven years old, my family migrated to America. Weekend masses, choir, and CCE continued to be my joy as I adjust to the new environment. I remembered my first desire to become a sister came when I was about twelve. However, like many other teenagers, I entertained a different desire for my life. I wanted to have a career and a family with four kids. Yet, in the book of Isaiah, God says otherwise, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways” (Isaiah 55:8).
God slowly revealed His plan for my life during my last year of college. During that time, I started to attend daily mass, adoration, and prayed the rosary. One day, while sitting quietly in the church, I heard a Voice, “Be a sister.” I thought I was hearing voices. The next day, the Voice spoke again and continued for a few days. “No, Lord,” I responded. “Religious life is not for me. I can't be a sister.” The Voice persisted. I had no desire to become a sister; however, I cannot ignore the call for deep down in my heart I knew that it was His Voice. I turned to the Blessed Virgin Mary for help. Everyday, for about two months, I would light a candle and prayed to Mary, asking her to help me say fiat if it is God’s will for me.
It had been nine years since I said that “yes” and have I been in the convent seven of those years. Looking back through the years, I have never regretted saying yes, but I am so grateful that God has called me into this vocation. God has been so merciful to me that often times I feel unworthy to live this vocation. I shared with a sister, “With all my weaknesses and ingratitude, I don't know why He still keeps me here.” She responded, “Sister, you are here not because you're good, but because God knows you need to be here to be saved.”
What an astonishing truth! God knows exactly where I need to be to live happy. My life is filled with joy, even in difficulty, because every situation and event is an opportunity for God to form me into the person He desires me to be. Mysteriously enough, my twin sister also entered religious life and is currently a Salesian Sister.
This experience of God’s love not only helps me live my religious life joyfully, but also assists me in my ministry. Adolescents, too, desire to be known and to be loved. It is my delight to tell them about a God who knows and loves them dearly. That joy exponentially magnify at each Confirmation Mass, when I see the radiance on my students’ faces, not a superficial happiness, but a true joy of being loved.
What is religious vocation? It is a vocation of receiving Love and sharing Love.