Cherry mahogany pews and choir stalls gracefully occupies the nave. Eleven pews on either side in the back are for visitors and six rows of eleven stalls, a total of 66, in the front half of the nave serve as choir. A monastic tradition dating back to the medieval cathedrals and monasteries, such antiphonal seating with choir stalls facing inward on either side of the center aisle enables the Sisters to chant alternate strophes of psalms and canticles. While choir-to-choir chanting is not exclusive to Dominicans, it indeed highlights the charism of preaching as one choir proclaims the Word to the other. The Paschal Mystery of the Word is the pivotal hinge of the Sisters’ liturgical life. The unique design of the stalls allows the sisters to sit facing either the main altar during the celebration of the Eucharist or face-to-face choir during the Liturgy of the Hours. The paneled mahogany reader’s stand in the middle of the choir completes the monastic chapel setting. Scriptural passages are proclaimed from here during the Divine Office.