Above the colonnades is the Latin inscription of the Ave Maria along the cornice:
Ave Maria gratia plena Deus tecum,
benedicta tu in mulieribus,
et benedictus fructus ventris tui Iesus.
Sancta Maria mater Dei,
ora pro nobis peccatoribus,
nunc, et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen.
The liturgical horarium of the community animates this sacred building with constant prayer and praise of the Incarnate Word, a mystery of faith so central to the mission of the Order of Preachers. From its walls the angelic salutation to the virgin of Nazareth, Hail Mary, full of grace the Lord is with you, intones and the words of Elizabeth, her kinswoman, Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus, extends the exalted greetings. This Marian prayer concludes with the ardent prayer of Holy Mother Church, Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen. The Sisters pray not only for a holy death, but also for those of our family, friends, and benefactors, and in a particular way for members of our Vocations Support Association, who assists the vocations of the Sisters with their prayers and material support.